Never let Water Softener Run Out of Salt

4 Reasons: Never let your Water Softener Run Out of Salt

Have you observed white spots on utensils and shower doors? What might be the reason? 

Yes, you guessed it right, hard water causes these stains, and whenever salt runs out of water softener, the water doesn’t get softened properly, and this causes the white spots. 

Want your water softener to never run out of salt? Then, you have come to the right article. 

In this article, I will thoroughly discuss why your water softener runs out of salt and how to prevent the same.

Let’s jump in, then!

What happens if I Stop Putting Salt in a Water Softener? 

It is of utmost importance that you never let your water softener run out of salt. If you stop putting salt in your water softener, soft water regeneration will stop, and the hard minerals will give you trouble. 

The more the resin beads fill up with calcium or magnesium, the more other minerals will easily flow through the pipes. In other words, you will indirectly allow other hard minerals back into your plumbing system, which will cease the creation of wanted soft water. 

Also, if you stop putting salt in your water softener, you can critically damage your precious water softener. Without salt in the system, your water softener might not only overflow with water but also face troublesome issues. 

No Salt means No SOFT WATER 

Without salt in the brine tank of your water softener, you won’t get any soft water.

As salt confirms soft water flow throughout the day(s), no salt means no soft water, literally. 

No availability of soft water will make it super hard for your skin when you are taking a bath, shaving your beard off, or even washing your face. The hard water will be very harsh on your skin, and you will suffer acne or other skin problems. 

Hard water will build up over time and eventually fully block your hot water system.

Ensure that your water softener never runs out of salt at all times. 

Iron and Hard Minerals get into Control Valve

This issue is not the most common, but it turns out to be the worst when it occurs. Generally, this issue is faced by the old models, specifically non-electric ones. New models have been built so that they almost always tackle this issue precisely.

In older models, untreated water used to go through the control valve of the water softener and then through the chamber where the major piston moves back and forth continuously. This made the seals get worn-out faster than normal. 

So, if you ever run out of salt, especially when you own an older non-electric model, it would ultimately open gates for iron and other hard minerals to enter your water softener system.

 Etching of Glasses, Doors & More. 

You have to understand that if and when your water softener runs out of salt, the formation of hard water will create hard stains on any and everything it comes in contact with. This includes your newly bought silverware, your regular usage cups, and bowls. 

White Spots on utensils caused due to Hard Water
White Spots on Spoons

A white film will start forming on your glassware which you won’t be able to wash off after a certain amount of time, meaning it will leave a permanent stamp on your utensils.

You can also face the loss of your glass shower as they will start looking like they have become icy, and they are quite expensive to replace, to be honest. 

Salt Tanks can Overflow 

Yes! It is possible that your salt tank can overflow. This will happen when only a shut-off valve is present in your water softener. Ultimately, this would give rise to an unstoppable flow of the brine tank of your water softener. 

Again, you must remember that if you do not run out of salt, this issue will most likely not arise.


Now you know the terrifying effects of letting salt run out of your water softener. All of the issues and errors can be avoided if you keep a check on the salt level frequently. 

Now you know, why you should never let your water softener run out of salt, but you should also have a look at our experts guide on how to add salt in water softener.


How long can Water Softener go without Salt? 

Generally, once filled with salt, a water softener will go for a week or even a month (depending on the amount of salt you have filled it with) before it needs a refill.

Can I run the Water softener without Salt? 

No, it is not at all okay to run your water softener without salt as it causes various issues. Salt is the one ingredient that is the most essential when running a water softener.